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"Too many times in the “performing art” world I sit in the audience and think: WTF am I watching? I feel alienated from what is happening on stage. Granted, not every piece of art will speak to me. But there can be a culture in the “art world” (what is that anyway?) to create art for other artists, to create work that is cerebral and requires a lot of thinking. And while I don’t mind working my critical thinking muscle, I want to feel something. To be touched, moved and inspired by what I’m witnessing...And that is my responsibility on stage: to speak my truth –- my medicine. A performance can be a powerful healing opportunity – for me and for the people who witness. So when I prepare for a performance, I prepare to be a vessel of healing and transformation. I pray before I perform and I pray afterwards to ensure that the people who witness aren’t left feeling unraveled."

-Taja Lindley

Visit the Arts, Culture, Social Justice Network's blog to read the rest of the intimate interlude.

On Saturday April 30th in Washington Square Park, Taja Lindley participated in the Free University's 5th annual May Day University with a public performance iteration of "This Ain't A Eulogy." With sidewalk chalk, Lindley wrote out the first and last names of 100+ unarmed Black people killed by the police in the United States. Making public space sacred. She will be doing this public performance throughout NYC summer 2016.

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